Apr' 24 release

April product updates

Here is every new piece of Spendbase functionality to help you manage you software licenses more effectively

01 License plans for every app you use

You can create custom licence plan for each of your subscriptions without any limit. For instance, you can create Sales Pro and Service Professional licence plan for HubSpot, or Free and Paid ones for Miro. You can also customize the licence plan per your preference and run reports to access usage patterns for every license plan of every software.

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02 Analyze software costs and utilization by Departments

It's important to not only know the total cost of your organization's SaaS stack, but also which department is responsible for the majority of expenses. This information can help with budget planning and resource allocation, as well as identifying overspending and optimizing your organization's finances. Also, no manual work - we allocate people to departments right from your Google Workspace automatically, with an option to override them if you like.

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03 Assing licenses to members more effectively

Besides being able to quickly view every app that the member has been actually using, you can see every license plan allocated to the specific person which makes license management and cost projection much more convenient.

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04 Default license plans and bulk actions

Select multiple members to add to a specific software license plan. Automate this by selecting default license plan for every individual app for the incoming members.

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